Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Spinach and Strawberries
Spinach is rich in saponin (a soap-like natural substance within the plant), which is of benefit for any following crops, particularly cabbage. Spinach also grows well next to strawberries-both crops seem to benefit from the others presence.
From: The Organic Fruit and Vegetable Gardener's Year
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Benefits of Home Dairy
The home milker knows exactly how the milk was handled--how clean the milk area and utensils were, how quickly the milk was cooled and to what temperature, how long it has been store, and how the cow, itself, was raised and fed.
From: "The Backyard Homestead"The Art of Canning
I decided I should do this post, because it is getting to be that time of year. I probably should have done it sooner, since some people start canning in August, because of the produce they get from their gardens. I don't really have an excuse. =)
In August we watched this movie called: The Art of Canning, by the West Ladies, Hannah, Vicki, CeCe and Jasmine. It gave some really helpful tips and insights on canning. You can get the DVD for more information. They also have more movies on: Gardening, herbs, Canning, soap making, candle making, cooking, quilting, sewing and crafts...I think there are a few more, but I will spare you the details. =)
From basic skills to more advanced techniques and tricks that come from years of experience, The Art of Canning is sure to provide you with the skill-sets you need to can a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
Learn about:
- Equipment
- Cleaning
- Sealing
- Storage
- Water-bath method
- Pressure method
- Tomatoes
- Green Beans
- Jams
- Eggs
- ...and much more!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Preserving Garden Produce

Green beans. Since learning to can, I was hoping to can more food this year, but we don't have a pressure cooker, and since green beans are a low acid food, we'd have to can them using one. So, we decided to freeze our green beans. After washing and snapping the beans, get a pot of water boiling on the stove and have another pot or bowl full of ice cold water. Put the snapped green beans in the boiling water, cover with lid, and let them sit for 3 minutes. After that, drain the water, and put the green beans into the cold water for 3 minutes. Make sure the water says ice cold by adding lots of ice! Then bag the beans and be sure to date them!
Peaches. Some good friends of our gave us a whole bunch of peaches. We decided to freeze them instead of can them because this way we can make peach shakes, a favorite! The first time we froze them, we only cut them in half, and quarters are better on the blender.
Sauerkraut. We grew a lot of cabbage in our garden this year, so we decided to make sauerkraut with it! My sister made it last year for the first time. I had always told myself that I didn't like it, but once I tried it, I sure did! There are a couple different variations on making it, but I'll just give you the recipe I used.
3 Tbs and 1 tsp. salt
2 Tbs. Caraway seeds
4 medium heads of cabbage
Grate the cabbage by hand or with a food processor, them mix in the salt. Squeeze, or pound with a meat pounder for a few minutes. Then pack into jars, leaving about 1 inch head space. Put jars in dark space for 3-15 days. I let mine sit for 10 days and it tasted really good!
Have fun in your kitchen!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Proverbs 27:18,23,25-27
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Chickens and Roosters
Krissy Van Criss
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Organic Fruit and Vegetable Gardener's Year
Whether you’re planting on a windowsill or in the backyard, this indispensable volume has the facts, tips, and step-by-step instructions you need to grow organic produce year-round. Respected horticulture writer Graham Clarke guides gardeners—with or without a green thumb—through all the basics, from composting and pesticide-free weed control to watering wisely and encouraging pollination. Melons in the summer, gooseberries in autumn, and endives in the winter: tasty, healthy, and natural food can grow in any garden, and soon!
Buy the book Now, Click HERE
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Organic Tip
You can help tomatoes to ripen by placing fruit onto some paper and then putting it into a drawer. Adding a Banana will enhance the ripening as the ethylene gas present in the banana is a natural ripener.
Suitable companion plants to grow alongside tomatoes include parsley, sage and basil. Flowering French Marigolds and nasturtiums are also thought to be beneficial.
~Krissy Van Criss~
Friday, June 25, 2010
Garden Pictures

Peas climbing the trellis.
Lemon Balm.
~Susi Van Criss
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Cucumber's Love Radishes
Small garden tip
Upsidedown tomato:
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Grazing Cattle
Beef cattle can graze on land that won't grow crops. More than 90% of the 810 million acres of cow pasture in the United States is too rough and steep, too dry, too wet, or too high to grow food crops. Raising beef cattle is a good way to use these lands to create food.
~Krissy Van Criss~
(I hope you didn't mind me using your picture Mrs. M!)
15 Herbs That Make Delicous Tea
~Krissy Van Criss~
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Springtime Preserving of Stored Crops
After some months, the quality of stored crops may begin to deteriorate, particularaly when they are not stored under ideal conditions. As long as they are firm and crisp and have good flavor and color, their nutritive value is close to that of the fresh crops. When they begin to wither, however, their food value decreases.
Rather than letting these crops continue to deteriorate, you may want to preserve them in midwinter or early spring by canning, freezing, or drying. The rush of the Harvest Season is over, plenty of empty canning jars should now be available if you have been eating vegetables canned in the fall, and space in the freezer in opening up.
Now is the time to make and preserve pumpkins, squash, turnips, applesauce, pickled beets, or what have you. Crops that wintered in the garden or in outside storage should also be preserved now. These winter vegetables and fruits will then be usable throughout the spring and summer -- intil the next harvest.
~Krissy Van Criss~
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Butter in a Jar
~Krissy Van Criss~
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Outdoor Seedling Care
- If the Soil is dry on planting day, use a sprinkler on the rows after planting.
- Keep the soil slightly moist until the seedlings come up. Once the seeds germinate, don't let them dry out.
- Watering is usually unnecessary early in the spring, when most garden soils ahve quite a bit of moisture in them.
- After a rain or watering, a clay-type soil may become so hard that young seedlings can't burst through. Here's how to beat the crusty soil: Drag a garden rake carefully over the seedbed with just enough force to break up the crust. The tines should penetrate the soil only about 1/4 in. You may have to water Hard-packed seed beds before loosening the soil.
Won't They Freeze?
Storing the Harvest
When you store your vegetables for winter use, remember that some crops prefer to keep dry, whereas others like it moist. Garlic does best when you keep it cool, but dry. Winter squash and dried beans need warm, dry spots. Store the followinf vegetables in a cool, moist place.
Beets, in damp sand
Brussel Sprouts, on stems, in damp sand
Cabbage, wrapped in newspaper
Carrots, in damp sand
Celeriac, in damp sand
Celery, planted in a bucket of damp soil
Jerusalem Artichokes, in damp sand
Onions, in baskets or braided
Potatoes, in baskets
Rutabagas, in damp sand
Turnips, in damp sand
~Krissy Van Criss~
Freezing Vegetables
- Check the seed cataloges and seed packages to be sure you've chosen a variety that freezes well.
- Pick only tender young vegetables ready for table use.
- Wash the vegetables thoroughly by rinsing, repeatedly if necessary. Lift the vegetables out of the water rather than draining the water, which allows the dirt to settle back on them.
- Blanch the vegetables (by quickly steaming or immersing in boiling water) before freezing. This procedure sets the color and stops the action of the enzymnes that will otherwise continue to mature the vegetables.
- Cool vegetables promptly after blanching, to keep them crisp.
- Dry vegetables thoroughly after cooling, to prevent the formation of large ice crystals.
- Pack vegetables into freezer bags or containers, leaving at least an inch of head space if using a rigid container.
Edible Flowers
Braiding Garlic
Braiding garlic heads is the best way to preserve them, because air can circulate around the hung braid.
The soft-necked variety works best. Start making the braides as soon as you pull the heads from the ground, so the stems are still pliable. Brush off soil rather than rinsing off heads. Be sure to use heads that have their leaves attached.
On a flat surface , start with three fat heads and braid their leaves together. Then add other heads (like french braiding hair). For braids that you plan to give away, or if you care a lot about the appearance of a braid, put the heads so closely together that the leaves don't show. You can use light wire to reinforce the braids. When you've done as many heads as you want, braid the last of the leaves and tie off with raffia or twine, forming a loop for hanging. Hang in a well-ventilated area.
~Krissy Van Criss~