Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Storing the Harvest

From: "The Backyard Homestead"

When you store your vegetables for winter use, remember that some crops prefer to keep dry, whereas others like it moist. Garlic does best when you keep it cool, but dry. Winter squash and dried beans need warm, dry spots. Store the followinf vegetables in a cool, moist place.

Beets, in damp sand

Brussel Sprouts, on stems, in damp sand

Cabbage, wrapped in newspaper

Carrots, in damp sand

Celeriac, in damp sand

Celery, planted in a bucket of damp soil

Jerusalem Artichokes, in damp sand

Onions, in baskets or braided

Potatoes, in baskets

Rutabagas, in damp sand

Turnips, in damp sand

~Krissy Van Criss~

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