Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another way to break up sod in your garden

What do you do if you don't have a rototiller but still want to break up heavy sod?  Call your strong friends to break it up?  One of the best ways I have heard to break up sod is to just plainly lay cardboard down on the grass.  You can then lay grass clippings, compost or other composting materials down to make a lasagna garden.  Or, just plainly throw a couple rocks down to keep the cardboard in place.  Some people put a tarp down instead, but this blocks out the rain that encourages worms to squirm around and fluff up the soil.  My Mom did this on her soon to be Old English garden.  It was amazing how the tough sod just turned into nice soil ready to be planted in.  I borrowed my Grandpa's rototiller this past spring for my garden, but it couldn't cut through the tough sod.  So I ended up having to dig it up by hand.  You don't want to have to do that!  I could have thrown some cardboard down, but it takes quite awhile for the grass below to die.  I just put some more cardboard down today to expand my garden.  It will be ready next spring to plant in.  I should mention, that since my Dad teaches cooking, they go through lots of vegetable boxes and that is were I got my cardboard.  I am sure many businesses would be happy to get some off their hands.  Hope this helps!

Hannah M.

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