Friday, September 24, 2010

The Art of Canning

Hello, Friends,

I decided I should do this post, because it is getting to be that time of year. I probably should have done it sooner, since some people start canning in August, because of the produce they get from their gardens. I don't really have an excuse. =)

In August we watched this movie called: The Art of Canning, by the West Ladies, Hannah, Vicki, CeCe and Jasmine. It gave some really helpful tips and insights on canning. You can get the DVD for more information. They also have more movies on: Gardening, herbs, Canning, soap making, candle making, cooking, quilting, sewing and crafts...I think there are a few more, but I will spare you the details. =)

"The Art of Canning", with: The West Ladies

From basic skills to more advanced techniques and tricks that come from years of experience, The Art of Canning is sure to provide you with the skill-sets you need to can a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
Learn about:
  • Equipment
  • Cleaning
  • Sealing
  • Storage
  • Water-bath method
  • Pressure method
  • Tomatoes
  • Green Beans
  • Jams
  • Eggs
  • ...and much more!
If you are interested, and would like to buy this DVD, please go to Vision Forum, Or Franklin Springs for more information.

~Krissy Van Criss

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