Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Outdoor Seedling Care

  • If the Soil is dry on planting day, use a sprinkler on the rows after planting.
  • Keep the soil slightly moist until the seedlings come up. Once the seeds germinate, don't let them dry out.
  • Watering is usually unnecessary early in the spring, when most garden soils ahve quite a bit of moisture in them.
  • After a rain or watering, a clay-type soil may become so hard that young seedlings can't burst through. Here's how to beat the crusty soil: Drag a garden rake carefully over the seedbed with just enough force to break up the crust. The tines should penetrate the soil only about 1/4 in. You may have to water Hard-packed seed beds before loosening the soil.

From: "The Backyard Homestead".

~Krissy Van Criss~

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