Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Won't They Freeze?

From: "The Backyard Homestead"

Some edibles can survive a bit of frost, but others actually realish it. Spinich, Kale and a few lettuce varietys (Winter Density, North Pole, Rouge D' Hiver, and Arctic King) Have a cold-weather strategy that allows them to servive even subzero temperatures with ease. As colder tempereatures signal the coming of winter, these plants begin to produce compounds (including sucrose) that act as antifreeze; they prevent the formation of ice crystals within plant's cells. By the time really cold weather arrives, spinach, mache, and kale are ready to survive whatever the weather serves up. As an unintended culinary bonus, these "chilled-out" salad greens are sweeter than they were before the frost hit them.

~Krissy Van Criss~

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