Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Backyard Homestead

The Backyard Homestead, By Carleen Madigan. This book tells you about the many vegetables that you can grow in your backyard, from a-z, it also gives you recipes that you can us those fruits and veggies with. It also teaches you about animals, meat, poultry and dairy. There is only one thing that I don't particuarly like about this book, and that is, it teaches you how to make beer, but of course I for sure won't be using that recipe... From a quarter of an acre, you can Harvest: 1,400 eggs, 50 lbs of wheat, 60 lbs of Fruit, 2,000 lbs of Vegetables, 280 LBs of Pork and 75 lbs of nuts! Thats a lot of food! Learn how too: Milk a goat, Prune a fruit tree, dry herbs, bake whole grain bread, tap a maple tree, make fresh mozzerella cheese, mill grains for flour, save seeds for next season, and a whole lot more! (I skipped brew bear and make dandilion wine, hehehe. :-P) Put your backyard to work: Grow fresher, organic, better-tasting food all the time. The solution is as close as your own backyard. Grow vegetables and fruits your family loves; keep bees; raise chickens, goats, or even a cow. The Backyard Homestead shows you how it's done. And when the harvest is in, you'll learn how to cook, preserve, cure, brew, or pickle the fruits of your labor!

I highly recommend this book, although they have brew beer and all that, I just skipped those chapters, and go to the next chapter...If you are considering buying this book, here is where you can get it! Click Here...


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