Monday, May 17, 2010

A Chicken Story...

Well I guess it is my turn to share a story! It is not about gardening, but about our chickens!

Now our chickens have always taken the advantage of our backyard gate being open, to escape down the road or across the road...They have tried to escape three times...but never have gotten hurt or lost!

Once, they notice that the gate was open, and didn't get as far as the edge of our front lawn, when our neighbors spotted them while on a walk! :-P Imagine our surprise! OUR CHICKENS? IN THE FRONT YARD?! Well we just ran to the front and herded them back in!

Another time, I was gone somewhere...when I got back home, my brothers were telling me all about how our chickens got out, and went all the way down the road and to the STOP sign! (remember how I told you that we don't live on a farm? Well, we don't, but we got chickens for our city lot!:) IT was a wonder they didn't get run over.
Our neighbors must have warned us about that incident as well! :-P

The third time, they got out, was just last month. Of course every time, they get out the back gate. This time they went across the road, to a neighbor's house, Thankfully no one lives there, so we had no trouble herding our "naughty" chickens back to our yard. But not without the unusual stares that came our way from passers by! :-D

Oh, the fond memories!

I hope you will share some of your fun memories with us!

~Krissy Van Criss~


  1. That's hilarious!! It looks like one of their jobs is to humble you. :)

  2. hehe, yeah! Our Little chicks too, they keep on jumping onto the garden fence, even thought their wings are clipped! hehe!

  3. Did you clip both wings or only one?

  4. We only clipped the Right side. They still seem to get on the fence, maybe we should clip the Left too?

  5. No, you did the right thing. Only ever clip one wing. If you clip both then they are even again and can use both wings to maneuver. With only one wing clipped they will always turn one direction and crash.
