Monday, May 17, 2010

How fresh is that egg?

No one wants to crack and egg in the morning, without being sure that it is still good!

Here are some solutions to seeing if your eggs are still fresh...

  1. Water test...Fill a bowl with water. Next test each egg by placing it in the bowl, if the egg floats it is bad, if the egg sinks it is still good! (If you use a clear bowl, then testing will be easier). Even if the egg is still on the bottom, but standing a little upright, it is still safe to eat, but if it is floating all the way to the top...ROTTEN (bad) EGG!!!
  2. Skillet test...When you place you eggs in the skillet (for breakfeast or just a snack), if the yock is standing upward then it is still fresh, if it is flat then it is not good!

~Krissy Van Criss~

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